by Shelley Betts
ZIMBABWE:For readers who have subscribed to the Day Star for several years, Benjamin Mukuze is a familiar name to you. Benjamin first called the WUAS office in early 1992, sharing an incredible story of how one Warning! book was being shared with fifty people in his study group. Since that time, Benjamin established Trumpet Ministries in Gweru, Zimbabwe, which is now sponsoring numerous book and tape lending libraries throughout Zimbabwe. From that first book, the message has spread exponentially and now stretches far beyond Zimbabwe's borders. As I sit and write this brief update, Benjamin is the keynote speaker at an eight day camp meeting in Kenya, where hundreds will hear Revelation's story. After the first of the year, a fellow believer and close associate of Benjamin's, will be sharing the end-time message at a seminar in Malawi. We receive correspondence from many countries in Africa and most interest has been generated by material sent from Trumpet Ministries.
SOUTH AFRICA:About the same time Benjamin learned about WUAS, Mrs. Joey Bergh wrote Larry Wilson, requesting additional information on end-time prophecy. In 1993, she established Rays of Hope Ministries in Somerset West, South Africa, for the express purpose of sharing Revelation's story. Since that time, this small ministry has printed both Warning! and The Revelation of Jesus books in South Africa. Recently, an ad highlighting end-time events and the Warning! book was placed in a magazine with a large circulation in South Africa. Joey said in a recent telephone conversation: "The response has been amazing and truly overwhelming. God has opened up the door for us to witness to numerous denominations. Pastors of all faiths have been ordering WUAS' video tape series to share with their congregations!" Now, Joey has been invited to give seminars all over South Africa and already has scheduled 3-day seminars in Johannesburg, Robbins Island and Cape Town. Please keep her in your prayers since this will be her first experience as an "official seminar speaker."
INDIA:Revelation's story continues to grow in India and we thank the Lord for His blessing on Wake Up India and the efforts of Ellen John. She has recently returned from a series of meetings in the State of Andhra Pradesh, India. For about three weeks, Ellen spoke in ten cities and left books in 12. Traveling in India is difficult at best. The group faced many obstacles, including a two-day down pour of rain that washed out segments of roads as long as 25 kms. Ellen shared: "Our bodies ached and the van had mechanical problems, but we could feel the Lord's presence every step of the way." A highlight of the trip was speaking to a Canadian Baptist Church congregation of 300+ people. Speaking to a group of this size is exciting, but even more unbelievable is that the PA system was hooked up to speakers throughout the entire community and all residents had the opportunity to hear Revelation's story. Another couple have also been pivotal in spreading the news of Jesus' soon return in India. Neena and Penny (husband) Shanthi have helped Ellen by translating books, organizing meetings and translating her words as she spoke into Telugu. Neena and Penny have a rigorous speaking schedule of their own and have just returned from a five day meeting that had a 1,000 people in attendance. People were so interested in learning about Jesus' imminent return that people pressed them on every side until midnight each evening, asking questions about what they had presented. Pastors from all over India are requesting Ellen John and the Shanthi's to hold seminars in their churches. Surely, God's Spirit is at work, stirring the hearts of people worldwide with the news of Jesus' soon return.
RUSSIA:For a long time, the staff of WUAS has waited with anticipation for the day when we could verify that Revelation's story was making headway in Russia. It is with grateful hearts that we can report to you that the Lord has opened a window of opportunity in that country and we look forward to the day when the Lord will provide a way for the books to be printed and distributed there.
CHINA:The International Bible Society's latest statistics reveal that the fastest growing segment of Christianity is found in China. It is difficult to assess this growth accurately since it has been forced to go underground since the rise of Communism.