AUSTRALIA: A recent Christmas letter arrived at the WUAS office from an elderly couple living in Australia which encouraged all of us. These pensioners described how they live on a very lean budget, but have managed to spread the news of Jesus' soon return to many in their area by selling a tractor and other farm implements that are no longer used. The couple wrote how they had served their local church for 45 years in various capacities (the wife being the daughter and sister of ministers), but they have never been more excited about their Lord's imminent return. They closed their letter with words reverberating in faith and confidence, encouraging the staff of WUAS and all of us in the States to "hold on to Jesus until the end, for our redemption draweth nigh!"
JAMAICA: Lylla Paddyfote returned to her native country of Jamaica recently and prepared the following report to keep readers abreast of the growing interest in Revelation's story in that part of the world. (See Day Star , Volume 6, No. 1 for the initial report.) Over 2,000 Warning! books have been printed and distributed in Jamaica. In cooperation with WUAS, she also distributed over 2,000 copies of the "Sovereignty of God" newsletter series and color charts. These materials were distributed to various churches, educational facilities and government agencies. Additional materials were distributed at various airports en route to and from Jamaica. Most of the airport recipients were headed to destinations like: Puerto Rico, United Kingdom, Canada and Islands in the Caribbean.
Lylla has been sharing material explaining Revelation's story in Jamaica since November, 1994. This material has been like seeds planted on fertile soil and now fruit is beginning to appear. On the most recent trip, Lylla found people in the marketplace to whom she had given books to on her previous trips. Their positive comments (heard by many in the market place), often propelled those who were initially reluctant, to accept a copy of the Warning! book. Lylla has shared her beliefs with ministers of all faiths and just before she left Jamaica this time, a minister contacted her to tell her what an impact the information had on him. He promised that he was going to take more time to study the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
These trips require great sacrifice on Lylla's part, both financially and physically. The Jamaican currency ratio is 40 to one and even though she was able to collect $3,000 from Jamaican supporters, this amount of money equals only $75/US currency. The rigors of international travel take their toll as well. On this trip Lylla suffered with a bout of food poisoning. So, in the truest sense, we consider Lylla to be a self-supporting missionary.
ZIMBABWE, AFRICA: During the week of December 3 through 10, 1995, Benjamin Mukuze and his colleague, Lovemore Chinembiri, had the privilege of being the keynote speakers at a camp meeting for the Remnant Church (actual name) in Kenya, Africa. Here is their story:
Since 1992, Benjamin Mukuze has been actively sending material throughout Africa that explains the end-time story. Some of these books, along with others sent from Belgium, were sent to Kenya, Africa. Pastor Isaya Osore, of the Remnant Church in Kenya, obtained a copy of the Warning! book. Its contents prompted Pastor Osore to contact WUAS, which referred him to Trumpet Ministries in Zimbabwe. Through correspondence, Benjamin was able to answer many of Pastor Osore's questions and share additional literature that explained Revelation's story.
In March, 1995, the leaders of the Remnant Church invited Benjamin to share Revelation's prophetic message in an upcoming camp meeting, to be held in December. Benjamin's first reaction was one of hesitation. He wondered how a layperson, such as he was, could ever think of speaking at such a large gathering. Kenya was a long way from Zimbabwe and it's customs were unfamiliar to him. He knew that without God's help, this trip would never be possible. In his own words, Benjamin continues the story: As I began to share this challenge with my friends around the world, they suggested that it was God's call for me to share the end-time message with the people of Kenya. After much prayer, I accepted the call by faith, and prepared for the trip before I had the money for the plane ticket. In July, 1995, some friends in the United States informed me that, by God's grace, they would sponsor the trip. I requested books from WUAS for the Kenya trip and received them within a week. I made copies of the 201 (Daniel), 203 (Plan of Salvation) video tape series and the Four Prophecies tape to take with me.
In November, 1995, money was provided by individuals living in the United States to buy two plane tickets, and Lovemore and I left for Kenya on November 30th. Joseph Olinga met us at the Kenyatta International Airport and made arrangements for us to spend the night with his nephew. We left the next day for the city of Kisumu, approximately 400 km away. It was there that I was able to finally meet my brother in Christ, Pastor Osore. From the moment we arrived, we had the privilege of sharing the message with many brothers and sisters in Christ.
On Sabbath morning, we were asked to give the end-time message to a local church in the Kilingili area. The church was full and for eight hours we shared Revelation's story. The next day, we traveled six kilometers on foot to the site of the camp meeting, where we met the leading pastors of the Remnant Church in Africa. After a short meeting, they decided that the "visitors from Zimbabwe" would be the speakers from the first day to the last 18 lessons in all from the books of Daniel and Revelation.
Beginning with Daniel 2, these leaders and laymen alike, sat in a school hall, taking notes as I presented each lesson. After each presentation, I would entertain questions, often late into the night. When answering all questions, I would direct the participants back to the Bible for their answers. This had a very positive effect.
Pastors who attended this camp meeting want me to travel to Uganda and Tanzania to give the end-time story there. The books we carried with us were shared with those who grasped the message quickly and seemed the most interested in sharing the story with others. (We feel the Holy Spirit directed us in this matter.) We left the video tapes with Charles Ambuka Khatiu, who lives in Kisumu. He will use his TV, video cassette recorder and electric generator to show the videos throughout Kisumu.
How thankful we were to the many sisters in Christ who tirelessly provided for our food, washed our clothes, and carried water so that we could wash and be refreshed, which helped us as we stood for long hours presenting the end-time message. How we thank all the kindhearted people of Kenya, who helped make our fellowship with them such a pleasant experience.
When I returned home, Pastor Kamowa of Harare, Zimbabwe was waiting for me to go to Malawi, for yet another week long seminar. I was so physically and emotionally drained from my Kenya trip, that I assigned two faithful brothers to accompany this pastor to Malawi. They had visa problems when they attempted to travel through Mozambique and the trip was postponed until January 10. Invitations to speak in other countries have been steadily arriving, the latest being a trip to Namibia and Zambia.
I truly believe God is in a hurry to save His people. I have learned that we are simply His instruments and when the call comes, if we are faithful, we have but one choice. As for me and my house, we have chosen to go all the way with Him in time of peace and affliction. I truly thank the Lord for allowing us to be a part of this worldwide network that is reaching out to the world with the end-time message. May the Lord richly bless all people who are willing to go, to be and to do as per His instructions. Are you ready to meet Him? May God bless all of you as you wait for the glorious hope of His second coming! AMEN.
Benjamin would like to especially thank those in the United State who helped sponsor the trips to Kenya and Malawi. May the Lord richly bless you for being willing to share of your means now, so others have an opportunity to hear the saving message of grace and the news of His soon return!